Thursday, 12 April 2012

Rahul Gandhi to look into A.P Politics

Rahul Gandhi is believed to concentrate in Andhra Politics after his disaster show in Uttar Pradesh. It is believed that, Rahul wants to get a strong image right from South, such that he can withstand in future race of  Prime Minister. It is also said that, Sonia Gandhi wants Rahul to eye Andhra Pradesh and save Congress from wipe out from state as it has been facing severe problems right from the untimely death of Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhar Reddy, he was responsible for UPA's win at center as he sent 33 MP's from AP and also led the elections (assembly) single handedly. 

Now, the total image of Congress is being eclipsed by Group politics in Congress and many local scams. Moreover Y S Jagan Reddy son of demise YSR Reddy, is moving swiftly in politics and people. He has achieved huge fan fare in People with his yatra's and style. It is believed that, High Command has purposefully sent him out of Congress, which is now threatening. TRS, the other problem for congress. It has been a while now, demanding for Telengana and TRS can go again setting their guns right for blazing for Telengana once again after their students complete their exams.

In admist of these troubles, local leaders do not want Rahul to enter into AP Politics, as no High Command leader has enough knowledge of AP Politics and on going position of Andhra state. The fact is that, Rahul doesn't take much care before going over others and these type of mislead information blazes guns from People and parties. As of now, Jagan who is racing away with awesome spirits, can make this entry into a turmoil for Congress and their future leader.

So, its all upto Rahul and Sonia to decide about the time and proposal to bring into AP politics... We can say only a word...Beta, South Politics are different from North... Be Careful

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